SCERS Begins Strategic Vision Plan Project With Member Survey


SCERS is embarking on a forward-looking Strategic Vision Plan project as it approaches its 100th anniversary in 2041. This plan aims to develop a shared vision among the Board and Staff, focusing on long-term challenges and opportunities across financial, demographic, and operational issues for the retirement system.

To help facilitate this year-long effort of mapping out where SCERS is going and how we are going to get there, SCERS has retained a third-party consultant, Mosaic Governance Advisors. The project timeline and framework will incorporate stakeholder feedback from surveys and focus groups from members, employer representatives, SCERS’ consultants, Staff, and Board members. 

We encourage SCERS members to take a brief, anonymous online survey at You can also take the survey by using this QR code. The survey closes April 18.

Your opinion of what we are doing well and where we can improve is important to us as we think about how we can become even better in the future. These results will help us develop a strategic plan that will guide SCERS in future years.  Because SCERS exists to serve its members, your cooperation and feedback is much appreciated. Our future success depends on how well we plan today. 

The Strategic Vision will be published on the SCERS website toward the end of the year.