Ready to Retire
Ready to Retire
Congratulations! You have reached an important milestone— retirement.
As you embark on this exciting time, SCERS is here to help you. The forms you will need to retire are located in our Planning for Retirement section.
Retirement Checklist
Within 90 days prior to your planned retirement date, you should make an appointment with SCERS staff and consider discussing your plans with your employer. The benefits provided by SCERS are not automatic and must be applied for in every case.
As you plan for retirement, keep these things in mind:
- Calculate a benefit estimate: Use the Benefit Calculator to obtain an estimate of your monthly retirement benefit allowance.
- Attend a retirement planning webinar: Check the Pension Planning Webinars schedule for a date that is convenient for you.
- Get your personal documents in order: If you haven’t already done so, you will need to provide SCERS with verification of your birthdate (birth certificate, passport, or naturalization papers). If you are married or in a registered domestic partnership, you will need to provide your spouse’s/registered domestic partner’s birth certificate, and marriage certificate/domestic partnership registration certificate. If you were divorced during your membership with SCERS, you should also provide the decree of dissolution of marriage/registered domestic partnership. In addition, copies of your Social Security card are needed. A beneficiary’s Social Security card will be needed if your beneficiary will receive a monthly continuance payment upon your death after retirement.
- Meet with a SCERS representative to discuss your personal situation: You can schedule an appointment here. Your counseling session should take place within the 90-day window prior to your retirement effective date.
- Keep your beneficiary information up to date with SCERS: If you have a life change, such as marriage or divorce, or you need to change your beneficiary for any reason (e.g., death), complete and return a Member’s Affidavit form to SCERS.
- Keep your address information up to date with your employer: To ensure you receive important information from SCERS, keep your home address current with your employer at all times. While an active member, your employer will notify SCERS when you change your address. After you retire, it is your responsibility to inform SCERS in writing of any change of address by using the Member’s Affidavit form.
- Contact SCERS if you have questions.
For Sacramento County Employees
If you are beginning any retirement planning, no matter how far away it is, two of the critical factors will be health benefits costs and the potential to supplement your income in addition to your pension and Social Security in retirement. The Employee Benefits Office has created a dedicated section on its website containing valuable information on health care options, deferred compensation, and other retirement considerations. Click here to link to the EBO website.
Member Handbook
Please refer to the Member Handbook for other important information about the retirement process.