For Members
Benefit Calculator
The SCERS Benefit Calculator has moved and is now accessible through the new MySCERS member portal. All previous login information used to access the Benefit Calculator outside of the portal will no longer be valid.
Please register for the new MySCERS member portal for easy access to the personalized Benefit Calculator for Active and Deferred members, account information, and other tools.
SCERS Member Handbooks
SCERS provides two Member Handbooks based on dates of hire:
SCERS Videos
SCERS is pleased to offer a series of animated videos designed to help our members better understand their journey toward retirement. For additional videos, please visit our YouTube channel located here.
Please note that video references to “” are now “”.
Life Events
Throughout your time as an active member of SCERS, use the list below to assist you in determining what steps to take should any of the following life events occur.
Pension Planning Webinars
SCERS Pension Planning Webinars provide information, answers to frequently asked questions, and tailored resources for members within a few years of retirement.
Schedule an Appointment
SCERS is always here to help. If you’d like to schedule a 45 minute in-person or telephone appointment with a Benefits Specialist, please select a date and time below. We are unable to accommodate same-day appointments and walk-in availability is not guaranteed.
Note: If you plan to retire soon, keep in mind that retirement applications cannot be processed beyond 60 days before the requested retirement effective date.
Contribution Rates
- 2018-19 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2018-19 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2019-20 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2019-20 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2020-21 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2020-21 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2020-21 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2020-21 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2019-20 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2019-20 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2018-19 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2018-19 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2021-22 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2021-22 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2021-22 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2021-22 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2022-23 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2022-23 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2022-23 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2022-23 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2023-24 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2023-24 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2023-24 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2023-24 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2024-25 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2024-25 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2024-25 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2024-25 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2025-26 Fiscal Year - Members
- 2025-26 Fiscal Year - Employers
- 2025-26 Fiscal Year - Superior Court and Special Districts
- 2025-26 Fiscal Year - County and Elected Officials
- 2025-26 Fiscal Year - SacSewer
- Read more
Retiree COLA
The retiree cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is based on the average annual change in the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers in the San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward area. According to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, the SCERS Board must determine the appropriate COLA for SCERS retirement benefits and implement that COLA on April 1st of each year.
Member Interest Crediting Rates
SCERS credits interest semi-annually, on June 30 and December 31, to member account balances that have been on deposit for the entire six months immediately prior to the interest crediting date.
Alameda Corrections
This page contains updates concerning SCERS’ Final Compensation Review Policy affected by the July 30, 2020 California Supreme Court decision in the case of Alameda County Deputy Sheriffs’ Association et al. v. Alameda County Employees’ Retirement Association and Board of Retirement of ACERA (“Alameda”). That decision has had important implications for SCERS and its members, possibly impacting the calculation of retirement allowances.