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SCERS Begins Strategic Vision Plan Project With Member Survey

SCERS is embarking on a forward-looking Strategic Vision Plan project as it approaches its 100th anniversary in 2041. This plan aims to develop a shared vision among the Board and Staff, focusing on long-term challenges and opportunities across financial, demographic, and operational issues for the retirement system.


COLA Approved

On February 19th, the SCERS Board of Retirement approved the following Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) levels effective April 2025, as recommended by the system’s actuary:


1099-R Forms Available via SCERS Member Portal

Your 1099-R forms are now available through the SCERS member portal. If you haven’t yet registered for portal access, we encourage you to do so. For information about the member portal and how to register, visit the portal announcement post here.


Social Security and SCERS

Congress recently passed legislation that makes significant changes to Social Security benefits for government workers whose employment is not covered by Social Security but may be eligible for Social Security benefits. Please note this law has no effect on most SCERS members.  More than 99% of SCERS members – including all Safety members – are covered by Social Security.


Employer Rates to Decrease for Third Year

Employer contribution rates to SCERS will decrease next year as the pension fund continues to strengthen, based on an actuarial analysis being presented to the Board of Retirement on December 11.


County Holiday Office Closure

In observance of Thanksgiving Day, the SCERS office will be closed from noon on Wednesday, November 27th through Friday, November 29th, but will return to normal business hours on Monday, December 2nd.


County Holiday Office Closure

In observance of Veterans Day, SCERS will be closed on Monday, November 11, but will return to normal business hours on Tuesday, November 12.


County Holiday Office Closure

In observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day, SCERS will be closed on Monday, October 14, but will return to normal business hours on Tuesday, October 15.​


Voting Period Added for SCERS Board Election

Sacramento County Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS) has been notified that approximately 1,300 eligible Miscellaneous Members did not receive a ballot for the current Member Election to elect One Miscellaneous Representative to the Board of Retirement for a term beginning January 1, 2025, and ending December 31, 2027.


SCERS Beats Investment Hurdle

SCERS’ investment portfolio returned an impressive 9.2% net of fees for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2024, beating SCERS’ investment return assumption of 6.75%.