SCERS Moves to .Gov


Sacramento County Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS) has transitioned our website from to to better align with our status as a government entity.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Automatic Redirection: If you visit, you will be automatically redirected to The website content and functionality remain unchanged.
  2. Security and Trust: This change enhances our online security and ensures that our website is clearly recognized as a government site, reducing the risk of phishing and spoofing.
  3. Printed Materials: You may still see on printed materials. Rest assured, the redirect will ensure you reach the correct site.
  4. Contact Us: If you have any concerns or questions about this change, please contact us at (916) 874-9119 or

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition. Thank you for being a valued member of SCERS.