Pension Planning Webinars
Pension Planning Webinars
SCERS Pension Planning Webinars provide information, answers to frequently asked questions, and tailored resources for members within a few years of retirement.
Upcoming webinars are scheduled for:
- Thursday, March 13, 10:00 a.m. Register here.
- Thursday, May, 29, 10:00 a.m. (Sac Court employees only.) Register here.
- Thursday, June 26, 10:00 a.m. Register here.
Webinars are conducted via Zoom and are approximately two and a half hours long. Registration is required.
SCERS joint retirement planning webinars include guest panelists (when available) from Sacramento County Employee Benefits Office, Fidelity Investments, Social Security Administration, MissionSquare Retirement, and Sacramento County Retired Employees Association.
Presentations, FAQs, and Links
See recent presentations below and contact if you have questions. Also, visit our Ready to Retire page to view the retirement checklist.
- A prerecorded brief version of the Retirement Planning Webinar is located here.
- SCERS Webinar Presentation Slides 12-12-24
- Sac County Employee Benefits Office Webinar Presentation Slides 12-12-24
- Social Security Retirement and Medicare Basics
- 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
- SCERS Retirement FAQs
- Social Security Retirement Benefits website
For Sacramento County Employees
If you are planning for retirement, no matter how far away it is, two critical factors are health benefits costs and the potential to supplement your income in addition to your pension and Social Security in retirement.
The Employee Benefits Office (EBO) has created a dedicated section on its website containing valuable information on healthcare options, deferred compensation, and other retirement considerations. Click here to link to the EBO website.
Paid Time Off to Attend
The County of Sacramento Personnel Policies & Procedures authorizes paid time off to attend retirement planning seminars sponsored by SCERS if the employee meets certain eligibility conditions. Specifically, Section L-6, Time Off to Attend Retirement Planning Program provides:
2.1 Release time may be authorized only for employees who, as of the date of the seminar, already meet the minimum eligibility requirements for a service retirement from the Sacramento County Employees’ Retirement System. For employees who are members of the miscellaneous retirement system, the minimum requirements usually are ten years of service and age 50. For safety members, the minimum is ten years of service and age 50, or 20 years of service at any age.
Visit your department’s human resources coordinator for more information.